
12 eggs
12 cups (small ones) sugar
½ kilo thin semolina
6 cups (small ones) flour for all purposes
1-2 vanillas
Ingredient for the syrup
3 cups of sugar
3 cups of water
Juice from 1 lemon
1 stick of cinnamon
We put the semolina in a bowl and take out half of semolina and replace it with flour, then we add the vanillas and m ix well. From the 12 eggs we beat the whites part and make them meringue.
We beat the yolks with sugar in another bowl and we add little by little the meringue and the mixture from semolina and flour. We put it all in a pan and bake it at 200 C for 24΄. When the sweat is cold we pour a spoon of syrup warm over it little by little so as to get soaked.
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