Clubs and Societies
1.Embellishing Cultural Association of Papigo
44010, Papigo, Ioannina
Tel.: +30 26530 41116 & 42218
2. Greek Mountaineering Ski Club of Papigo
440 10, Papigo, Ioannina
Tel.:+30 26530-41138 & 26530-41115
3. Association Entrepreneurs of Papigo
440 10, Papigo, Ioannina
Tel.:+30 6936 6910046 Παπαευαγγέλου Γεώργιος
4.Papigo Emigrant Union
General Manager : Dosis George
Τηλ. 6977 740591
The society of Papigo
Today' s local people constitute the small society of Papigo, they are these people who went up against the current of deserting the countryside. To this attitude the love and the appreciation shown by visitors, has played its role, the enthusiasts of this corner of Greek land, Greeks and foreigners. Therefore, tourism became as a way of surviving for the natives, a life destination. There was no need for training. The culture of their ancestors which is characterized from the deep sense of hospitality and the cosmopolitan element of their DNA in combination with the dedication to dignity which traditionally is flowered by the mountainous characters, have been nominated automatically qualified hosts.
Hosts, professionals and individuals of Papigo, always willing to help visitor have a great time and to understand the place, the way of life, to admire nature and landscape and to understand the land which they grew up and loved! A significant part of the residents today in Papigo are occupied with traditional livestock breeding producing traditional dairy products and by-products from meat of their livestock.
Furthermore, the occupation with the land in a smaller scale because of the morphology of the ground gives to its residents pure ingredients, vegetables, herbs and fruit which are destined for use in the local restaurants and local households.
The biggest part of the residents are occupied with small or bigger touristic businesses. They dispose modernized, spacious, traditional hostels dining rooms, facilities for sport activities and activities that have to do with nature and touring in the nearby area.
The sheer majority of residents are young people with yearning and love for the place and the willingness to offer to the visitor all these services, information and facilities which will make them to spend his time in Papigo as they wish. Either as a family and peacefully or on a holiday which involve ventures with outdoor activities sush as horseback riding, trekking, climbing in "ovires" or the river and rafting.

Papigo is a village in the Municipality of Ioannina, built in the slopes of Timfi in an altitude 970 metres and consists of 2 settlements, the Small and the Great Papigo. Papigo is one of the most characteristic samples of Zagorician architecture and it has been characterized as traditional settlements.
In the area of Zagori some villages had the historic privilege to have been founded before the Ottoman Empire these is Papigo where significant historical data place its foundation in the Byzantine times. In the written historic documents Papigo is mentioned in a gold seal of the emperor Andronikas II in the year 1325 AD. The first period of prosperity of Papigo in which many historians mention must have taken place before the Ottoman Empire when Papigo had a role of Ruling Community which prevailed in territory which includes the valley of Voidomati until the territory of Konitsa.
From the 15th century till the 18th century exploiting the privileges that had been given in the area of Zagori, it met a big boom of development. Since 1780 there has been a greek school in the village.
With the drop of Ali-Pasa and after the abolishment of the special privileges in the area during the 19th century, the decay began with the emigration of the population. The population continued to diminish and at the beginning of the 20th century even after the Liberation of Ioannina in 1912.
Since 1919, Papigo constituted a separate community which was preserved unchangeable till 2010 and the application of the plan "Kapodistrias" and after that with the application of the plan " Kalikratis". Over the last decades, the population is contained and is increased slightly owing to the great touristic development of the area.

Significant personalities of Education, Sciences and Arts descend from Papigo. Some of them are...

Michael Anagnostopoulos
The Philologist, Director of the Institute for the blind Perkins of Boston and benefactor of Papigo, Micheal Anagnostopoulos (1837-1906).

George Anagnostopoulos
Professor of Linguistics, University of Athens (1867-1952).

Zacharias Sardelis
Philologist, journalist and editor of the newspaper «IRIS» in Bucharest (1830-1913).

Christodoulos Tsiotidis
Consul of Greece in Boykoyretsi (1838-1894).
Literature in Papigo

Title: Micheal Anagnostopoulos
With this original biography of national and international benefactor Michael Anagnostopoulos, which published in 1907 and annoyed his enemies abroad, the preacher of Greek values, Frank Sanmporn, defines a super and humane standard of moral beauty and true charity.
Author : Sanmporn Frank

Title : The Greek Communities
The Ampelakia of Thessalia, Makrinitsa of Pilio, Nimfaio of Frorina, Oia of Santorini, Pagigo of Zagori and Panormos of Tino, are the six communities, six unique examples of traditional architecture,in six different natural environments. Whose six monuments, whice set, successfully, as target, "to connect the past with the future", Militos editions present in this album history.A future that is now present and tangible proof of success. Turning the backs on the complacent loneliness of their individuality,"the Greek Communities" turned on the dynamics of collective effort, support and interface, with the ambition, parallel,to make their network exemplary local development model.
Author : Kostis George

Title: Dragon on the snow
In addition to the high mountains of Epirus, there is an Alpine Lake, said Dragolimni, why live there a dragon, patron of the mountain and all goods creatures. A bit more low, in Papigo, once born a bastard child, named, Chris, he had in his soul all the gifts of the Dragon:pride, power, nobility, combativeness. Chris fought himself in life, but when it came to the success and recognition, an unfair accusation the marked with new time stigma. He retired in Papigo to heal his wounds and there appeared an unknown woman straight the snowstorm and stole the heart of the dragon.
Author: Oikonomou Kaiti

Title: Astero, rain girl
When she dies in 1894 in Zakynthos, the Countess Love Martineggou, mother of ten years old Astero, grandmother Eirini, aunt Froso and ungle Stratis, the ship her, along with her 5 year old brother, named Pipi,to spend the summer in their an unknown relative home, which has two children almost same ages. The widow Fanny and her children live away, at the mountains of Ipiros, in Papigo, a village of Zagori (then still part of the Ottoman Empire). The first few weeks are really fabulous and the two children are wonderful, but, suddenly, shortly after the 15th of August, begins a series of very unpleasant surprises.
Author: Papadaki Christina

Title: The paths of Zagori
Zagori is one of the most beautiful mountain regions of Greece. Mountains, rivers, forests and stone traditional villages compose a scenery of unique beauty, that deserves to be known not only as a simple tourist but as a traveler. With the title "The paths of Zagori" you will get to know the region of Zagori far away from noisy tourist destinations. You walk in the Gorge of Vikos, on the tops of Gamila and discover the old stone paths and bridges that crossed for centuries the inhabitants of Zagori. In he book described, step by step, 300 km. paths, as each destination is described and vice versa, so you can start from any village you are. Easy and difficult routes for hikers of all abilities, will offer you unforgettable impressions.
Author : Kalogirou Antonis

Title: Meet the Zagori
Meet the Zagori
Author : Zagorianakou - Madridima Nektaria

Title: Unexplored Ipiros
Discover the Ipiros who know the locals. Enjoy the best it has to offer you the most beautiful and least known corner of Greece. Stefanos Psimenos lived four years on the Ipiros and wrote the "Unexplored Ipiros", a packet of information that lead you to the best. Select the only travel guide that offers you:- An informed opinion about the places to visit and places that should better to avoid - Proposals for routes to mountains and forests that noone else has described so far.-Historical data, descriptions of archaeological sites and monuments with enjoyable and understandable language.
Author : Psimenos G. Stefanos

Title: The rivers of Ipiros
The geomorphology of Ipiros is characterized by mountains, plateaus, basins, charades, valleys, streams, rivers and small lowland areas in the coastal areas. However, the main advantages is the natural roads. These roads, which are none other than rivers and their valleys, below, for centuries now, man. The rivers and valleys of Ipiros, and those rivers start from Pindos, presenting, in every respect, a separate interest, not only as natural elements or as landscapes but also as places and roads of cultures. As such places and roads rivers will be the pillars of our browser.
Author : Nitsiakos Basilis, Arapoglou Mixalis
Information - Contact us
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